24 February 2020

Bulbul(Red-whiskered bulbul-ഇരട്ടത്തലച്ചി)

The cute little bird is found everywhere and is particularly common in urban areas, often seen in parks, gardens, and along creeks. These birds prefer to stay in groups, making their presence known with loud, evocative calls. Their song has a scolding chatter quality but is quite pleasing to the ear. Bulbuls belong to the order of Passeriformes, which translates to "perching birds."

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Camera: Nikon D90
Lense: Sigma 70-300

23 February 2020

Black Drongo [ആനറാഞ്ചി]


The Drongo family consists of birds commonly found in open agricultural areas and light forests. These birds primarily feed on insects and are particularly known for their aggressive behavior towards much larger species, such as crows. Drongos are fearless when it comes to defending their territory, often attacking birds of prey using a dive-bombing technique, where they fly swiftly downwards to disrupt the invader.
Their typical behavior includes perching on a branch before swiftly darting down and then returning to the same spot, often repeating this action two to four times. In addition to their boldness, some Drongos can mimic the calls of other birds. The botanical name for one species is Dicrurus adsimilis macrocercus, and it's worth noting that some other categories of Drongos are migratory.

Camera: Nikon D90
Lense: Sigma 70-300mm

01 February 2020

Potter wasp

A potter wasp is known for its unique nesting behavior. These wasps typically build their nests from mud, creating small, pot-like structures that resemble tiny jars. They often select sheltered locations, such as under eaves or among foliage.

The female potter wasp collects mud using her mandibles, mixing it with saliva to form a workable material. She carefully shapes the mud into a nest, usually consisting of multiple cells. Once the cells are completed, she lays one egg in each cell, often provisioning them with a supply of food—primarily insect larvae—before sealing them off.

This remarkable nesting process not only showcases the potter wasp's engineering skills but also highlights their role in the ecosystem as pollinators and natural pest controllers. These wasps are solitary and, unlike social wasps, do not live in colonies. Their nests serve as homes for the next generation of wasps, continuing the cycle of life in their habitats.

A potter wasp building nest

The potter wasp is found in various countries across Asia, including India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, China, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia. These regions provide suitable habitats for their unique nesting behavior and foraging activities.

Potter wasp(Mason wasp)
Scientific name:Eumeninae
Species:Phimenes flavopictus

Shot on: Xiaomi Mi A2
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